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Abbasi, H., M. Nazeri, S.A. Mireei. 2016. Design and development of a LabVIEW-based LED-induced fluorescence spectroscopy system with applications in non-destructive quality assessment of agricultural products. Journal of Physics: Conference Series

مقالات خارجی (ISI)

ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی

Abbasi, H., M. Nazeri, S.A. Mireei. 2016. Design and development of a LabVIEW-based LED-induced fluorescence spectroscopy system with applications in non-destructive quality assessment of agricultural products. Journal of Physics: Conference Series | دکتر سید احمد میره ای


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ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی