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مقالات خارجی (ISI)
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Rahimzadeh, H., M. Sadeghi, S.A. Mireei, M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti. 2021. Modifying genetic algorithm by dynamic memory and solution reconstructing mechanism for selectivity control of chemical sensors. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. July 2021
Shoa, P., S.A. Mireei, A. Hemmat, S.W. Erasmus, S.M. Van Ruth. 2021. Broadband acoustic resonance dissolution spectroscopy as a rapid tool for the compositional analysis of food powders: a case study of edible salts. Food Chemistry. 351: 129287 July 2021
Alomar, S., S.A. Mireei, A. Hemmat, A.A. Masoumi, H. Khademi. 2021. Comparison of Vis/SWNIR and NIR spectrometers combined with different multivariate techniques for estimating soil fertility parameters of calcareous topsoil. Biosystems Engineering. January 2021
Mohammadi Lalabadi, H., M. Sadeghi, S.A. Mireei. 2020. Fish freshness categorization from eyes and gills color features using multiclass artificial neural network and support vector machines. Aquacultural Engineering. 90: 102076. August 2020
Rahmanian, A., S.A. Mireei, S. Sadri, M. Gholami, M. Nazeri. 2020. Application of biospeckle laser imaging for early detection of chilling and freezing disorders in orange. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 162: 111118. April 2020
Akbarzadeh, N., S.A. Mireei, G. Askari, A.H. Mahdavi. 2019. Microwave spectroscopy based on the waveguide technique for the nondestructive freshness evaluation of egg. Food Chemistry. 277: 558-565. March 2019
Rahimzadeh, H., M. Sadeghi, M. Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, S.A. Mireei, M. Tohidi. 2019. On the feasibility of metal oxide gas sensor based electronic nose software modification to characterize rice ageing during storage. Journal of Food Engineering. 245: 1-10. March 2019
Ghasemi, A., M. Sadeghi, S.A. Mireei. 2018. Multi-stage intermittent drying of rough rice in terms of tempering and stress cracking indices and moisture gradients interpretation. Drying Technology. 36(1): 109-117. January 2018
Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti, M., S. Amini-Pozveh, S.A. Mireei, P. Mishra, S. Ghosh, D. Ghanbarian, Z. Izadi. 2018. Utilizing visible and near infrared spectroscopy based on multi-class support vector machines classification to characterize olive oil adulteration December 2018
Shirzadifar, A. S. Bajwa, S.A. Mireei, K. Howatt, J. Nowatzki. 2018. Weed species discrimination based on SIMCA analysis of plant canopy spectral data. Biosystems Engineering. 171: 143-154. July 2018
Khorsandi, A. A. Hemmat, S.A. Mireei, R. Amirfattahi, Ehsanzadeh, P. 2018. Plant temperature-based indices using infrared thermography for detecting water status in sesame under greenhouse conditions. Agricultural Water Management. 204: 222-233. May 2018
Pourkhak, B., S.A. Mireei, M. Sadeghi, A. Hemmat. 2017. Multi-sensor data fusion in the nondestructive measurement of kiwifruit texture. Measurement. 101: 157-165. April 2017
Moomkesh, S., S.A. Mireei, M. Sadeghi, M. Nazeri. 2017. Early detection of freezing damage in sweet lemons using Vis/SWNIR spectroscopy. Biosystems Engineering. 164: 157-170. December 2017
Hatami, S., M. Sadeghi, S.A. Mireei. 2017. Indirect forced solar drying of banana slices: phenomenological explanation of non-isotropic shrinkage and color changes kinetics. International Journal of Green Energy. 14(15): 1277-1283. November 2017
Mireei, S.A., S. Amini-Pozveh, M. Nazeri. 2017. Selecting optimal wavelengths for detection of insect infested tomatoes based on SIMCA-aided CFS algorithm. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 123: 22-32 January 2017
Abbasi, H., M. Nazeri, S.A. Mireei. 2016. Design and development of a LabVIEW-based LED-induced fluorescence spectroscopy system with applications in non-destructive quality assessment of agricultural products. Journal of Physics: Conference Series January 2016
Mehryar, E., M. Sadeghi, J. Razavi, S.A. Mireei. 2016. Moisture sorption isotherm and glass transition temperature of date powder in terms of various model systems. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 39: 61-68 February 2016
Mireei, S.A., R. Bagheri, M. Sadeghi, A. Shahraki. 2016. Developing an electronic portable device based on dielectric power spectroscopy for non-destructive prediction of date moisture content. Sensors and Actuators A. 247: 289-297 August 2016
Mirzabeigi Kesbi, O., M. Sadeghi, S.A. Mireei. 2016. Quality assessment and modeling of microwave-convective drying of lemon slices. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food. 9: 216-223 July 2016
Mireei, S.A., M. Sadeghi, A. Heidari, A. Hemmat. On-line firmness sensing of dates using a non-destructive impact testing device. Biosystems Engineering. 129: 288-297 January 2015


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